Become a member !

Right now our Membership Pages are on hold.

Here’s how you sign up for June (or for the rest of the year!)

You can sign up either for a Trial Membership Pass: $45/ day pass or $100/weekend with camping, meals and entertainment

Or for an Individual Membership at $300/ year (8 events!) or a Family Membership at $800/year for 2 adults & all the kids.

Please use Paypal or Zelle to and we will enter you manually!

Sign up, come to any or all of the events, and support the SFIOP year-round.

Keep art, performances, music and weirdness happening at the Stars & Moon Art Park and beyond.

Your membership is tax-deductible! Check out the perks below.

Sign Up Today!



or $300/year


Camping access for up to a week-long stay, year-round

Admission to all events

Meals from the crew kitchen

Reciprocal Museum Benefits
(free admission to over 1,000 partner sites)

Invite Guests

Family Package


or $800/year


Two Memberships with benefits listed

Admission + meals for kids



  • Bring A Guest

    If a guest would like to become a member within 60 days, they can allocate their ticket cost toward their membership.

  • Guest Kid

  • Event Boat or RV Stay (up to 3 nights)

  • Any other weekend, 3-night Boat or RV Stay

    ** To access rentals & guest tickets, please refer to your member website in your emails!

Get Involved!

* Put a tiny home or studio on the grounds

  • Rent a Boat Cabin for the whole summer

  • Teach a Sailing Class

  • Overhaul the Garden

  • Park your Art Car or other project here

There are lots of ways to help make the Art Park happen!